There are a number of different sizes of rugby balls available. Perfect for players of different ages and developed to target and improve the development of handling skills at training. This table indicates the Gilbert rugby ball size against the appropriate age range.
Gilbert rugby balls size (approximated to the nearest mm) are demonstrated below:
Size 5 - Length 285mm, Girth 585mm
Size 4 - Length 275m, Girth 545mm
Size 3 – Length 255mm, Girth 535mm
Midi - Length 215mm, Girth 420mm
Mini – Length 160mm, Girth 315mm
Product information
The rugby ball is a top-tier rugby ball designed for professional and competitive rugby matches. This ball is engineered to deliver exceptional performance and reliability on the field.The rugby ball boasts a flawless surface, ensuring impeccable handling and unbeatable accuracy.Its advanced aerodynamic design ensures seamless flight and superior stability, making every kick and pass a thing of beauty.Built with ultimate performance in mind. Embrace the spirit of the rugby with this iconic collectible, featuring the Innovo match rugby ball official design.